Student READY Programme (RAWE)

  • RAWE programme is being offered as a part of undergraduate curriculum for a period of 90 days for final year students. 
  • This programme comprises of 60 days stay at a village along with the farmers to learn the actual farming situation with the objectives of sensitizing the students about farmer’s socio-economic milieu including livelihood analysis. 
  • The next 10 days students are attached with any one Agro industry to get expertise in entrepreneurial and managerial skills, followed by attachment with State Department of Agriculture for 10 days to study the various activities, schemes in operation and organization structure. 
  • A period of 10 days attachment with Non – Governmental Organization expose the students to know about the regulations and organization structure and their role in upliftment of the down trodden.
  • Prior to the programme, an Orientation programme used to be organized during which lectures will be delivered by faculty on Crop Management, Crop Protection, Crop Improvement, Natural Resource Management, Horticulture and Social Science to prepare the students for the 90 days RAWE programme. 
  • At the end of RAWE, an exhibition used to be organized at the end of RAWE, wherein the students exhibit their learning through mock ups, models, specimens, PRA charts, ITKs etc., 


  • Village Stay Programme: The students were placed in different blocks of nearby districts. Each student was allotted with individual village. The students conducted farmers’ interaction meeting in the allotted village and identified problems and cropping pattern using Participatory Rural Appraisal Technique. Based on the problems identified in the villages, the students performed demonstrations, group interaction and arranged farmer interaction meetings. The students also conducted awareness rally and exhibition in their block as a group, besides an exhibition in the college at end of the programme.
  • ADA Placement: The students were attached with Assistant Director of Agriculture in nearby districts (with their concerned blocks AAOs of Village Stay Programme) to know the activities of state Department of Agriculture and their role. They acquired the knowledge on production, protection and post-harvest handling of agricultural crops. Also they have gained direct field experience in identification and recommendations along with department officials for different field problems.
  • NGO attachment: The students were attached with Non-Governmental Organizations to study their role and activities in rural development.
  • Agro-Industrial tie-up :The students were attached with agriculture and allied industries in selected districts The students were exposed on various processing techniques viz., grading, packaging, value addition, material management, human resource management and marketing.

RAWE Students Attachment Details (2018-2021)

Year Total No. of Students Number of districts Number of location Duration of the Programme
2018 49 03 08 12.09.2018 – 10.12.2018
2019 60 02 08 24.09.2019 – 22.12.2019
2020 120 03 11 22.12.2021 – 26.04.2022