Examination Process:

Examination and Evaluation system is fully followed as instructed by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. The undergraduate courses were evaluated through Mid Semester, Final Practical and Final Theory examinations. Mid semester examinations were conducted for all the courses probably on the 52nd day after the commencement of classes, Final Practical examination on 91st day and Final theory on 105th day.

Mid Semester Examination:

Writing the mid-semester examination is a pre-requisite for writing the final theory and practical examinations. The mid semester examination has to be conducted on the 52nd day after the commencement of classes. The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University time table was followed and the examinations are conducted in campus. The mode of examination (Paper/ Tab mode) will be decided by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. The students who have not attended the mid-semester examination, will be permitted to attend the missing mid semester examination with the approval of the Principal/ Dean. The duration of the mid semester exam will be 1 hour for courses with theory and practical and 1½ hours for courses with theory or practical alone. 

Practical Examination

  • The practical examination shall be conducted on the 91st day days after the Commencement of classes. The time table, pattern and the external examiners will be communicated by the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
  • Submission of practical records certified by the Course Teacher and 80% attendance in both theory and practical classes is a pre-requisite for appearing in the practical examinations failing which ‘E’ grade will be awarded. 
  • The duration of practical examination shall be two and a half hours. The practical marks should be communicated by the external examiner to Controller of Examinations.
  • If a student fails to write practical examination, `F’ grade will be awarded if he/she has 80% attendance. The student has to appear for the reappearance examination.
ParticularsExamination Pattern for Practical Examinations for
Courses with theoryPractical courses alone
a)   Record (Continuous evaluation)510
b)   Viva Voce510
c)   Assignment520
d)   Practical work2560

Final Theory Examination

The final theory examination has to be conducted after 105 working days of the Commencement of classes. The pattern sent by the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University shall be final. The mode of examination (Paper/ Tab mode) will be decided by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

Duration for final theory examinations

  • 1+1, 2+1, 1+2 and 2+2 Credits : 2½ hours (40 marks) 
  • 1+0, 2+0, 3+0,0+1 and 0+2 Credits : 3 hours (60 marks) 

Examination Pattern for Mid Semester and Final Theory Examinations

The pattern of final theory examination include: (A) Objective type questions (B) Questions with short notes (C) Essay type questions.

Mid SemesterFinal Theory
Courses with practical (1+1, 2+1)
20 Marks (15 marks objective+ 5 marks Descriptive)  30 MCQ + 5 marks Descriptive (5 /6 questions)40 Marks (15 marks objective+ 25 marks Descriptive)  Part A: 30 MCQ  Part B: 2 marks (5/6 questions)  Part C: 5 marks (3/4 questions)
Courses without practical (1+0,2+0)
40 Marks (20 marks objective+ 20 marks Descriptive)  40 MCQ + 20 marks Descriptive (10 /12 questions)60 Marks (15 marks objective+ 45 marks Descriptive)  Part A: 30 MCQ  Part B: 1 mark (5/6 questions)  Part C: 2 marks (10/11 questions)  Part D: 5 marks (4/5 questions)

Reappearance Examinations

  • If a student fails in the courses or if he/she wanted to improve their marks they are eligible to write the reappearance examinations. The reappearance examinations are called by The Controller of Examinations, TNAU. The student should pay the reappearance fees of Rs. 500 per subject and should register the courses in the Controller of Examinations site. The hard copies of the registration cards along with the proof of payment will be collected and sent it to The Controller of Examinations, TNAU. The reappearance examination time table will be sent by the Controller of Examinations, TNAU.

Exam pattern for reappearance examination

Exam1+1 / 2+1 Courses1+0 / 2+0 Courses0+1 / 0+2 Courses

Evaluation of Course Work

The minimum grade point to be secured for a pass in a course is 6.00 and 50 per cent mark aggregate in both theory and practical.

  • A student has to maintain a minimum OGPA of 6.50 out of 10.00 at the end of final year (VIII semester) to become eligible for the award of degree.
  • The student having an OGPA of less than 6.50 is eligible to improve the grade point only once in courses with grade point less than 8.00. 
  • A student who has an OGPA of 6.50 and above is not eligible to improve his/her grade points in any course. 
  • If a student is not satisfied with the evaluation of their final theory papers, they can apply for re-evaluation to the Controller of Examinations, TNAU website after paying the re-totalling fees of Rs. 1000 per subject. 
  • If a student fails to secure higher grade points in the subsequent attempts, the higher grade point secured by the student either in regular or improvement examinations will be accounted. 
  • Improvement and re-examination will not be applicable to All India tours, RAWE, agro-industrial tie-up programmes, crop production, NSS, NCC, and physical education courses. 
  • The camp requirement in NSS and NCC may be allowed along with juniors if the student has secured more than 80% attendance in the regular courses.   
  • Mess due clearance certificate has to be produced by every student before taking the final examinations.
  • Reappearance examination for the undergraduate subjects shall be conducted once in six months, during the semester breaks for 100 marks. 
  • All educational tours are compulsory to complete the degree programme.
  • The study tour shall be conducted within the 105 working days. The course teachers will do the evaluation of the educational tour.
  • Field trips are compulsory. If any student is absent for field trips, the student will be marked absent for all compensating classes on the day of the field trip.
  • The total marks scored from the Mid Semester, Final Practical and Final Theory were taken and grading of 10 for each semester and the Accrual of marks from 1st semester to 8th semester are graded as OGPA (Overall Grade Point Average) out of 10.00. 
  • Grading system
  • GP – Grade Point
  • CP – Credit point = Grade Point X Credit 
  • GPA – Total Credit Point / Total Credits
  • OGPA – Overall Grade Point Average = Cumulative Credit Points/ Cumulative Credits
  • E – Incomplete
  • F – Fail

Each course shall carry a maximum of 100 marks which may be distributed as follows:

Examinationcourses with practicalcourses with theory alonecourses with practical alone
Final Practical4060
Final Theory4060

Courses with Theory and Practical (1+1; 2+1 Courses):  40 marks

S.No.ParticularsMode of presentationAllotted Marks
1.Attendance *EEMinimum of 80% Pre-requisite for writing the final practical examination 
2.Record  *EEEvaluation5 marks 
3.Assignment *EEA. Presentation 1 mark (Evaluated by Course teacher)
B. Written part2 marks 
C. Answering the questions 2 marks 
4.Written Part *EEi. Identification / Spotter5 marks 
ii. Experiments / Field work / lab work / calculation 10 marks 
iii. Short notes 5 marks 
iv. Case study 5 marks 
5.Viva Voce*EEMinimum of 5 questions 5 marks 
Total 40 marks
*EE – External Evaluation

Courses without Theory (0+1, 0+2 courses): 100 marks

S.No.ParticularsMode of Evaluation (Course Teacher / External)Marks
1.Attendance *EEMinimum of 80%  Pre-requisite for writing the final practical examination  (Verified by External Examiner)
2.Record  *EE6.0 Marks  4.0 Marks10
3.Assignment  (2 Nos.) *EEPresentation – 5.0 Marks / Assignment x 2 (Evaluated by Course Teacher) Written   – 3 .0 Marks / Assignment x 2  Answering questions – 2.0 Marks / Assignment x 220
4.Identification / Spotter with Short Description *EE10

Experiments / Field work / lab work / calculation *EE30

Short notes *EE10

Case study*EE10
5.Viva Voce*EE10

Total 100

*EE – External Evaluation
As per TNAU guidelines, the following courses are evaluated internally by the course teachers.
  1. PED & NCC
  • Physical education examination was conducted by the concerned course teacher with 80 percent attendance as a prerequisite and the following were evaluated.
  • Students who have enrolled in NCC will appear for the examinations conducted by the concerned Battalion (B and C examination) 
ParticularsMax marks
Attendance & routine activities 60
Participation in tournaments / Camps20

2. All India Tour

ParticularsMax marks
Written test50
Attendance and behavior20
Record and Pocket Note Book20

3. Study tour

ParticularsMax marks
Written test50
Attendance and behavior20
Record and Pocket Note Book20

4. Rural Agriculture Work Experience 

ComponentsVSP (60 days)ADA (10 days)NGO (10 days)Industry (10 days)Total (90 days)
Participation and oral presentation30 10 10 10 60 
Record10 25 
Overall exhibition15 
Total Marks40 15 15 15 100 

5. Evaluation Pattern for Project Work 

Research area identification and collection of literature7th semester20
Work done8th semester30
Report8th semester20
Presentation8th semester20
Viva voce8th semester10

Breaking System 

  • If a student fails to complete all the first-year courses, he/she will be retained from registering for the third year V semester courses until the student gets a pass mark in all the I year courses. 
  • If a student fails to complete all the second-year courses, he/she will be retained from registering for the fourth-year VII semester courses until the student gets a pass mark in all the II-year courses. 
  • The students in the breaking system will re-appear for the concerned courses and after getting a pass mark, they are allowed to register for the upcoming semester along with their junior batches. 
  • The students of the last batch undergraduate students of every syllabus pattern are exempted from the rules and they can continue their studies in their respective batch.