• The General management of the hostels is vested with the Warden assisted by Deputy Wardens and Care Takers. 


  • Students after registration should report to the Warden who will assign rooms. Rooms will be made available only to those students who are boarders in the messes and who have paid the hostel fees. The decision of the Warden is final in the allotment of rooms. Allotment of rooms will be done in alphabetical order. Students should stay in rooms allotted to them; otherwise they will be withdrawn from the hostel.


  • All the students have to report to the Deputy Warden about the date and time of departure, when they proceed to their home for vacation or for any other purpose and also of arrival on return. The students should write the particulars in the Movement Register available in the respective hostels.
  • Students should get prior permission from the Deputy Warden whenever they leave the hostel for purposes other than attending regular classes. In such cases, permissionslips should be obtained from the Deputy Warden. They should enter their name, place of visit, purpose and time of leaving in the movement register kept in the Security’s cabin. Students should return before 6.00 P.M.without fail. They must indicate the time of return in the same register kept in the Watchman’s cabin.
  • Students should not be stayed in the hostel during the class hours (7.30 AM to 5.30 PM). 
  • Students should submit the basic mobile phones in Deputy Warden’s room every day except holidays. (Phone using hours: 7.00 PM to 8.30 PM)
  • Students should be given the attendance everyday in the specified time at hostel.
  • All students should remain in their rooms and maintain perfect silence in the hostels during the study hours from 8.30 P.M. to 10.00 P.M. every day. Howling or making loud noises in the hostel is prohibited.
  • No student shall quarrel or misbehave with or use abusive language against other students or any employee of the hostel including the care taker, lab assistant, sweeper, mess servants etc. Any misbehavior on the part of any employee shall be brought to the notice of the Warden who will take necessary action. 
  • Any form of ragging is considered a crime and subjected to police action. (TNAU rules 12.4,12.5&12.6)
  • Students are prohibited from collecting money or donations for any purpose in the hostel without the permission of the Warden.
  • Student meeting are prohibited within the hostel premises without specific permission of the Warden. A hostel resident should obtain the prior permission of the Warden for any temporary absence from the Hostel.
  • Any physical indisposition should be reported to the deputy Warden. Those who need to consult specialists should get prior permission from the Principal.
  • Any communications that are signed or countersigned by the Principal are alone put in the notice boards of hostel.
  • Students are strictly prohibited for using other electrical appliances (like Smart phones, electriciron box,heaters,stoves, battery illuminators, etc.) in room. If any student is found to deviate from these instructions, suitable action will be taken and the material will be ceased. However, laptop and basic phones may be used.
  • Students should not keep cash or costly items like camera, mobile phone, electronic gadgets, jewellery, etc. in their rooms. Students are advised not to wear costly jewellery.
  • Students will also be held responsible for the general maintenance and upkeep of the rooms allotted to them. If the walls, windows and doors are pasted with posters / disfigured or spoiled, the students will have to pay for the white washing and painting charges as the case may be. 
  • Students should switch     off lights, fans and lock the room when they leave their rooms. Otherwise, no action will be taken, if thefts occur in the room.
  • Students   are prohibited tokeep knives, sticks or any otheroffensive weapons in the hostel rooms allotted to them. 
  • Smoking and usingalcoholic drinks/ Narcotics in their rooms or in the hostel premises are strictly prohibited.  
  • Playing card gamesorany form of gambling in the rooms is strictly prohibited.  Any student violating these rules would be punished and suitable disciplinary action will be taken against them (TNAU Rules 5.7).
  • Students shallnotactorcause others to act in such a manner to create disturbances among other inmatesof the hostel. 
  • The students shouldnotentertainunauthorizedoccupation of any of their friends in their rooms.
  • Students should report the complaints such as electrical issues to the deputy warden and a complaint note is maintained by the lab assistants for recording the students complaints.
  • Parents / Guardian/Guestsareallowedon sundayonly and should be entertained in the Visitor hall. They are not entertained inside the hostel building and rooms.
  • Parents / Guardian/Guests are not permittedto stay in the hostels and bringing guests into the rooms and causing disturbances to roommates are strictly prohibited. 
  • All students are taken up for shopping on Sunday for 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM for girls and 2.30 PM to 5.00 PM for Boys.
  • Changes effected in rules from time to time will be binding on all students. If any student is found to deviate from these instructions, suitable action will be taken.


  • Students should strictly follow the study hours from 8.30 P.M to 10.00 PM during which silence should be maintained.


  • Students shall not demand any special service from hostel servants. 
  • Food will not be served in students rooms except for sick students, that too on the advice of the Medical Officer/Warden. 
  • Students shall not remove tumblers, vessels, furniture or any other article belonging to the hostel mess and common rooms, the students will be charged as the case may be.
  • Food is provided to its boarders according to a fixedmenu. No special diet can be supplied to any member, except when he/she is sick.
  • The meals and tiffin will be served in the stipulated time schedule fixed from time to time.   Studentsare not permitted to bring guests to the mess and food will not be served to the guests.


Mess timings are fixed as follows:

Breakfast7.00 AM to  8.00 AM
Lunch12.30 PM to 1.30 PM
Dinner7.00 PM to 8.30 PM
  1. Food will not be served after the mess timings on any account. Any deviation in the scheduled timings shall be decided by the Principal.
  1. If any emergency, contact the following persons:

Deputy Warden:

Girls Hostel: Dr.P. ILAKIYAPRIYA (9952869624)

Boys Hostel: Mr.G.KALAISELVAN (9003638495)